The Psychosomatics &

Emotional Anatomy Training


by Gillian Maddigan & Bianca Moeschinger

Breath as a Gateway: Psychosomatic Insights into Balance

Author: Bianca Moeschinger

December 2024

Breathing is our first act of life, the moment we reconcile with gravity and the external world. This primal action is orchestrated by the diaphragm, a vital muscle located in the solar plexus chakra. The diaphragm acts as the body’s bellows,...

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The Psychosomatic Power of Breath and the Diaphragm

Author: Bianca Moeschinger

December 2024

Breathing is much more than a physical act. It’s an intricate process that shapes both our physical and emotional anatomy. The lungs occupy the chest cavity, extending down to the lower ribs. When we breathe in, our thoracic cavity expands in three...

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The Two Forms of Value: Who We Are and What We Create

Author: Bianca Moeschinger

March 2023

There comes a moment in life—a pause, a breath—when we start to understand our value as a person. It doesn’t happen all at once. It unfolds slowly, like the tide rising to meet the shore, shaping who we are with each ebb and flow of...

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The Psychosomatic Impact of Judgement on the Body

Author: Bianca Moeschinger

December 2024

The Diaphragm: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

The diaphragm and kidneys are situated in the solar plexus chakra, which serves as the home of judgment, fear, and focus. Together, they form a gateway between the known and the unknown, bridging the mental and...

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The Power of Intention: How focus shapes our reality

Author: Bianca Moeschinger

October 2024

Intention is more than just a wish or a thought—it's a point of focus, a guiding force that directs energy and action toward a desired outcome. Behind every intention lies a network of tension, a complex interplay of energy centers (chakras), nervous...

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The dance of energy between practitioner and client on the table - Part 1

Author: Bianca Moeschinger - 11th January 2024

Psychosomatic Therapist and Emotional Release Bodyworker Series

As many of you know, I work with people's body-mind relationship mostly with my hands and in presence. I dance with a lot of other people's energy on a close and personal level. Knowing...

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To Truly Face the World is to Allow yourself to be Seen

Author Bianca Moeschinger - 1st December 2023

To truly face the world is to allow yourself to be seen. By being seen, you open up to another's judgment of you. This judgment can be the very thing that makes you turn in again and again and again.

That judgment is only talking about the judgment...

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The Face of Pride

Author Bianca Moeschinger - 22nd November 2023

Most of us journey through life with the encouragement to become someone. Someone possibly with an education, good values and morals, a healthy partner and relationship with themselves, and eventually a career or job that not only supports us...

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Dropping into emotions that have been rationalised or buried in the past

Author: Bianca Moeschinger - 11th November 2023

We all have a level of awareness around our emotions, some people more than others. Our first experience of emotions is when we are a child, they come out of us before we even know what is happening. Our tissue is soft, vulnerable and flexible,...

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The 'Art of Being' a therapist

Author: Bianca Moeschinger - 2nd November 2023

Psychosomatic Therapist and Emotional Release Bodyworker Series

There is an art to being a therapist. In the beginning I was unaware of this art. I simply knew I had a way, 'that way' used some of the knowledge that I had gained and a lot of my own...

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What if pain was a fear of expansion...

Author:  Bianca Moeschinger - 15th April 2023

Pain, pain pain, what is worse than pain, it is something we avoid, run from, numb out and get really frustrated and angry at. It is the one thing that can turn a functioning, healthy person into a raving lunatic. Ok big words, but you get...

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