The Psychosomatics &

Emotional Anatomy Training


by Gillian Maddigan & Bianca Moeschinger

Realising the sword within is just step one

Author Bianca Moeschinger - 4th June 2024

Bianca's Light Series

Discovering the sword within is a moment in our lives when we realise that we have been living dual by nature. This way or that way, right or wrong, good or bad, this is naturally imprinted from conception it helps us find out...

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What if pain was a fear of expansion...

Author:  Bianca Moeschinger - 15th April 2023

Pain, pain pain, what is worse than pain, it is something we avoid, run from, numb out and get really frustrated and angry at. It is the one thing that can turn a functioning, healthy person into a raving lunatic. Ok big words, but you get...

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