START FREE HERE: Introduction Module - Psychosomatics & Emotional Anatomy online training - PEAT

This Introduction module forms part of the STARTER PEAT - Personal Online Development  training program.

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What you receive:

One Module Including:

  • The Introduction to The PEAT Personal Development self paced online training program.
  • Full free community access + support and extra resources

Each module is complete with submodules and lessons, these lessons include resources, written curriculum and recorded video tuition, plus reference to external links for extra study if required. 

Total cost of training - Introduction module is FREE

On Completion you can choose to enrol in the :

  • Mini Course
  • Individual module - A New Way of Thinking Feeling and Being
  • The full online PEAT program
  • Face to Face 6 day in Person
  • Full Program including 6 days face to face

The full Self development PEAT program includes 9 training modules.

  1. Introduction - Your frame of reference
  2. A New way of Thinking and Being
  3. The Foundation of Life - Language of the Feet
  4. Embodiment, You and Your body
  5. Language of Personal History - Reflection on the Past
  6. Face Language and how we Face the world
  7. Language of the Hands - The World is in your Hands
  8. The Magic of Emotion - An Atom in Me
  9. Disease is a catalyst and an opportunity for change
  10. Confirmation and Celebration

Plus live group coaching calls with Gillian Maddigan & Bianca Moeschinger

We deliver:

The tools and principles of psychosomatic therapy and its relationship with our emotional anatomy with the entire body, emotions and mind.  

How to apply the tools therapeutically to yourself first and then to others.

PEAT Training Programs offer a step by step process for understanding:

         - The Structure (the subject is you or another)

         - The Purpose (what does the process do, from the intricate part of your body to the gross nature) 

         - The Energy flow (how does it communicate)​

Framework and process aligned with therapy and practitioner focus.

Total cost of the online training - $4,394.50 

Additional training includes: 6x day In-Person training - Melbourne or Switzerland


What People Are Saying:

Huge thanks to you both for collaborating to offer such a rewarding course. Having not undertaken any in-depth online learning, I had no idea of what to expect but feel that it worked well. I liked the structure, having 2 days between calls & the fact that it was spread over the months was a triumph for our us far more detail & depth I'm sure, than what could be achieved with the shorter live delivery.


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