The Power of Intention: How focus shapes our reality

Author: Bianca Moeschinger

October 2024

Intention is more than just a wish or a thought—it's a point of focus, a guiding force that directs energy and action toward a desired outcome. Behind every intention lies a network of tension, a complex interplay of energy centers (chakras), nervous system responses, and the skeletal and endocrine systems. Together, these systems communicate with the brain, aligning the body to support the intention.

This network forms the foundation upon which our intentions are built. It funnels energy into one clear direction, allowing us to bring all our resources—conscious and unconscious—toward fulfilling that intention. But how does this work, and what is the true power of intention?

Degrees of Intention

Intentions come in varying levels of awareness and complexity:

  • Unconscious intentions: These arise from deep, hidden parts of ourselves, often influencing our actions without our knowing.
  • Simple intentions: These are basic, straightforward desires that guide everyday decisions.
  • Conscious intentions: These are fully realized and clear, with a deliberate focus on achieving something specific.
  • Sankalpa: Derived from Sanskrit, sankalpa means “to become one with time and the subconscious mind.” In practices like Yoga, sankalpa is a way to connect with your heart’s deepest desires.

The type of intention we set depends on what we consciously and unconsciously bring to it. Your personal history, experiences, and wisdom all contribute to shaping your intentions, creating a unique focus that aligns your mind and body.

The Anatomy of Intention

When you set an intention, whether consciously or unconsciously, you are pulling together everything you’ve learned and everything that drives you, both from a mental and emotional standpoint. Your intention is influenced by:

  • What you know: The knowledge and lessons you've gained through life.
  • What your body remembers: Your body’s ability or limitations, shaped by past experiences.
  • The depth of your desire: The intensity of your emotional or physical need to achieve a particular goal.

This creates a tension within, a pulling together of all resources to focus on your intention. The energy, driven by your life story, stored in your bones, muscles, and tissues, can be consciously or unconsciously hidden, but it still fuels your actions and decisions.

Is an Intention a Goal?

While it’s easy to confuse an intention with a goal, there’s a crucial difference. A goal is often driven by the need to achieve something tangible and immediate. It’s linear, and the focus is on the destination—reaching the goal at any cost. The downside is that goals can sometimes become narrow, with so much focus on the desired outcome that other possibilities are missed along the way.

On the other hand, an intention is an embodied process. It’s about aligning your entire being—body, mind, and emotions—with a desire that resonates deeply within. Intentions involve emotional anatomy and are more fluid, allowing for adjustments as new insights and opportunities arise.

The Driving Force of Intention

Your intention is not just a thought—it’s driven by your life story. The experiences stored within your body, hidden beneath the surface, create both a reaction and a deep desire to achieve what may not be immediately visible. It brings your focus and energy to a single point, drawing in everything you need to make it happen.

You may not always know how you’ll achieve it, but the strength of your intention ensures that you will. As you move toward your goal, the universe often aligns to support your decision. The people and resources you need appear, because your intention is strong enough to inspire both yourself and those around you.

The stronger the intention, the more powerful the focus, and the more energy it attracts to fulfill it.

Reflecting on Your Intentions

Take a moment to reflect on your current intentions. What are you truly striving for? Allow a stream of consciousness to flow as you write down your thoughts, creating space for possibility and insight. When you're finished, read it back, allowing the words to settle and digest within you.

Then, refine your intention. Make it clearer, more aligned with your true desires.

Questions to Ask Yourself

In a broader sense, it’s important to evaluate the intentions behind your actions regularly. Ask yourself:

  • What are the true intentions behind my actions?
  • Am I driven by an unconscious need, or is my intention clear and aligned with my deeper self?

The answers might surprise you. If you’ve been striving for a goal for a long time but haven’t made much progress, perhaps it’s time to evaluate that goal. What have you created along the way? You might discover that what your heart truly desires is already there, though it may look different than what you expected.

Conclusion: The Power of Intentional Living

Setting an intention is more than a simple decision—it’s an energetic alignment that draws all parts of your being toward a singular focus. It taps into your history, your emotions, and your physical body, creating a powerful connection between thought and action. By living with intention, you bring clarity, focus, and purpose into your life, allowing you to move forward with the support of both your inner and outer worlds.

Take the time to connect with your intentions, refine them, and let the power of intention guide you toward the life you truly desire.