The 'Art of Being' a therapist

The Art of Being a therapist

Author: Bianca Moeschinger - 2nd November 2023

Psychosomatic Therapist and Emotional Release Bodyworker Series

There is an art to being a therapist. In the beginning I was unaware of this art. I simply knew I had a way, 'that way' used some of the knowledge that I had gained and a lot of my own intuition and wisdom. During my journey as a therapist, I really started to hone in and develop my own art of therapy.

Just like life I had to undertake the journey of 'being whilst doing' and receiving the feedback.  This 'being while doing' was from a place mostly grounded in my heart and insight, which contained the feedback I would receive from my hands through touching another, through hearing them and seeing them, as they shared and projected their own feedback to me.

I sifted this feedback and took on what I needed to, this developed into a sense of structure, strength and clarity in my own mind, emotions and body.  The more I gained an understanding of myself, the more I could meet someone where they are at. This then gave me the ability to take them on the journey into the more challenging and darker layers of themselves without being imprinted by the story.

What I have realised is that we only receive the clients we can handle, in saying that the clients we do receive can be ones that we need to say no to. They can be the aspects of ourselves that do need to be seen and acknowledged in that moment, and then journey privately through that aspect, as we may not be the right therapist for them at that time.

On the other hand some of our clients are very much a 'Yes' client, these ones we can excel and grow with, the chemistry and magic through each interaction becomes stronger and clearer.  These relationships come from a deep trust that moves from the human form into the higher dimensions.  True realisations come from these sessions.

I have clearly spoken of the 'Yes' and the 'No' client, without safety and trust, neither party can open or move beyond their triggers, whether they are conscious, subconscious or unconscious.  The beauty with the 'No' client is the immediate trigger realisation, that is fast and already doing its job, no more is needed from the chemistry.  The 'Yes' clients are different as the chemistry and dance is instant, two humans that are ready to learn and travel together.

There is a lot of ego in therapy, we can project a lot; We can want the wins; We can go to far; We can take someone on a journey they are not ready to go on and also take them beyond their block to a place they really need to go, but don't realise it yet.

The art is knowing how to be in that dance, remain centred, true, innocent and strong, whilst also being accessible and flexible.

The more in-tune we become with ourselves and our gift , the more powerful we are, the more respect we need to have for this gift. It no longer becomes about the win, or even about our own learning. We are simply baring witness to another's journey and highlighting the areas they need to witness more within themselves. Perhaps also look at there most dominant aspects that are fiercely defending or protecting their state of being.

Life has enough force behind it already, when it is blocked and not in alignment we can feel that force, we are usually the reason the force is not flowing freely, due to not receiving and expressing the force through the story, language and experience of our human form - matter.

It takes years of experience to develop your Art of being a therapist, it is the dance between initially  knowledge learnt, mixed with traces of your intuition, until the art becomes you - if you are not open to change and simply sit on the learnings of learnt knowledge without digesting it through your tissue, in alignment with yours and your clients feedback, then you are not evolving and the work simply remains knowledge, this is cheap as it does not contain your digested and integrated essence which is rich.

The programs and training I create and deliver teach you how to develop your 'Art of Being'... in any form.

Bianca x