My Journey with large thighs and a knee lock

Author Gillian Maddigan - 12th January 2024
Psychosomatics and Emotional Anatomy Master Class
One of the biggest body challenges over the 45 years of living my body has been my relationship with my thighs since 13 years of age.
One of the anchor stories was being the fatty in my family this was told to me and I was 165cm/5’4 and 55kg.
My thighs were bigger in the inside and out. I didn’t realise their value-their strength and structure, the ability to move me with ease on a whim or support others.
It wasn’t until I was in my 30’s after living with a psychosomatic lens for 5-6 years that I looked back at how I had lived those years pretty successfully I have come to value their original size.
But over time I had added more negative speech from others and my inner darkness, creating little encapsulated stories that unconsciously weighed me down and reduced my agility and ability to readily flex and adjust to my journey.
This was the experience and results:
Reaction stored memories re-anchored over time subconsciously until they are unconscious reactions to external triggers.
My original event response occurred between 12-13years old.
The outcome to the original event was favourable - I was recognised within the family but the blow back was internalisation either to contain the emotional expression or protection from an external threat.
When something similar would occur the original effective response would be the go to.
Each subsequent experience then descends into subconscious and eventually falls into the unconscious. The person becomes unaware they are storing new events in reaction to an old hidden story.
The capsules of tissues are the stored events making up the barrier. But the issues stored in this area can be released by opening up the solar plexus areas ankle, knees, elbows, solar plexus torso, nose and under cheekbones.
This has been my focus with bodywork, mental repatterining and emotional awareness. It has been a long change as I am an earthy being and comfort for me has been stability.
Clearing the channel between the strong legs- unlocking the knees and the heart and throat - hearing my own story in safety and flow has been the unlocking of me over the last few years.
The knees in image are not mine but are represent what my knees looked like a few years ago.